Trump's First 10 Days Are Rattling the Left - It Is About Time
Show Notes
The Left wants you to believe that Donald Trump's early presidential decisions really are controversial. However they are simply misunderstood strokes of genius? Watch as we poke at the Left's reactions to moves made during the first ten days of Trump's tenure, from offering federal employees early retirement to ramping up immigration enforcement, all while examining the media's reaction. With the candid and confident Caroline Leavitt standing firm against major news networks, we dissect the media bias claims and delve into the shocking allegations of threats against Trump. We also shed light on how these policy changes reverberated beyond American borders, stirring international reactions and raising eyebrows across Canada.
00:00:02.487 --> 00:00:07.391 Ladies and gentlemen, this is a little bit different, a little weird.
00:00:07.391 --> 00:00:08.885 Hey, welcome back folks.
00:00:08.885 --> 00:00:15.954 And you know I'm scratching my head because Americans just don't seem to take it easy.
00:00:15.954 --> 00:00:26.454 You know, and especially the American media, who has this affinity for and, like we see with other liberal media, how can we turn a mess into a real mess?
00:00:26.454 --> 00:00:53.104 And you know, donald Trump has really gone in there and he's made some crazy, crazy changes while in office and people are saying it's the end of the world and it's da-da-da-da-da-da-da, but even as he's offering federal employees the opportunity to resign and get a pension and this, and that the left has gone nuts again, even though this is all about trying to create a better America.
00:00:53.104 --> 00:00:54.826 Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Rant Network.
00:00:54.865 --> 00:00:56.307 I'm David Solomon, he is Stuart Priskell.
00:00:56.307 --> 00:00:58.207 We are the Rant Network.
00:00:58.207 --> 00:01:02.310 We're unedited, uncensored, unfiltered, and really we are very, quite unapologetic.
00:01:02.310 --> 00:01:04.292 We talk about a wide range of topics.
00:01:04.292 --> 00:01:18.927 This platform is really all about you, about the topics that really, sadly, no one wants to talk about because your friends might get mad at you, people you know might yell at you, but we have to talk about this and that is what we do here at the Rat Network.
00:01:18.927 --> 00:01:19.930 So sit back and relax.
00:01:19.930 --> 00:01:24.570 Stuart is still trying to deal with his technical issues and we are jumping right in.
00:01:24.570 --> 00:01:33.201 So look, stuart, I I think this is absurd.
00:01:33.201 --> 00:01:39.972 You know, Donald Trump's come into office barely a week and a half ago and yet in the night, this is his 10th day in office and it's amazing.
00:01:39.972 --> 00:01:44.188 You would think he's been in office for the last 15 years with the way things are going.
00:01:44.188 --> 00:01:46.793 But boy oh boy, is he rocking America.
00:01:46.793 --> 00:01:48.064 Stuart, let's say you my friend.
00:01:48.686 --> 00:02:05.367 All right, If you didn't catch the insanity yesterday, you would have missed out on the best verbal dueling rant from the press secretary podium.
00:02:05.367 --> 00:03:09.826 Caroline Leavitt, this 27-year-old rocking powerhouse, schooled ABC, NBC, CNN for the entire 50-minute most probably informative press briefing, with unscripted questions, unscripted answers, no binder in sight, and she literally took down the traditional old crusty media and introduced two new chairs to the non-traditional crony media, which, let me tell you something, that was the key to that entire briefing in a hundred hours, donald j trump has written hundreds of orders, put in people that are doing what they say, how they say.
00:03:09.826 --> 00:03:30.170 It has a band of emissaries that basically look like Beverly Hills 90210 instead of the Muppet Show and are doing what they have set out to do and said they were doing in the campaign, which is a shocker to everyone in DC.
00:03:30.170 --> 00:03:44.407 And as Caroline took these questions, she took the thunder out of their sound bites by being transparent, honest and remarkably honest.
00:03:44.407 --> 00:03:44.688 On what?
00:03:44.688 --> 00:03:45.592 Well, wait a minute.
00:03:45.592 --> 00:03:46.859 Honest and remarkably honest.
00:03:46.859 --> 00:03:48.262 Wait a minute.
00:03:48.262 --> 00:03:51.027 Honest the drones.
00:03:51.588 --> 00:03:52.251 I'm sorry, stuart.
00:03:52.251 --> 00:03:53.774 I'm sorry, stuart, could you forgive me.
00:03:53.774 --> 00:03:55.840 What is the definition of honesty?
00:03:55.840 --> 00:04:00.292 Because it doesn't seem like we got any of it in the last four years, stuart.
00:04:00.292 --> 00:04:02.467 So what is honesty?
00:04:02.467 --> 00:04:08.270 Honesty has a definition no no, I don't need the definition.
00:04:08.270 --> 00:04:08.980 I mean what?
00:04:09.020 --> 00:04:15.149 was of being honest is basically giving the definition of facts.
00:04:16.752 --> 00:04:21.925 Facts, yeah I don't think we've heard that in four years well.
00:04:22.004 --> 00:04:23.307 You know the facts from the facts.
00:04:23.307 --> 00:04:31.586 On the podium was Joe Biden or was either in his office or, more than likely, sleeping upstairs in his room.
00:04:31.586 --> 00:04:33.350 You know, sleepy Joe.
00:04:33.350 --> 00:04:43.730 For four years the media covered for remarkably knew that the drones were set out and approved by the FAA and were not some criminal.
00:04:43.730 --> 00:04:44.314 You know why.
00:04:44.314 --> 00:04:51.836 They let you believe it was a criminal conspiracy to try and take the news cycle away from Donald.
00:04:51.836 --> 00:04:52.338 Listen.
00:04:52.338 --> 00:04:53.923 They tried to convict him.
00:04:53.923 --> 00:04:56.771 They tried to empty his bank account.
00:04:56.771 --> 00:04:59.199 They tried to put him behind bars.
00:04:59.199 --> 00:05:01.663 They tried putting him in an orange jumpsuit.
00:05:01.663 --> 00:05:03.644 They tried to assassinate him.
00:05:03.644 --> 00:05:05.206 Not once putting him in an orange jumpsuit.
00:05:05.206 --> 00:05:06.709 They tried to assassinate him not once, but we know for twice.
00:05:06.728 --> 00:05:10.935 There's a hit squad from the Iranian regime out to kill Donald J Trump.
00:05:10.935 --> 00:05:19.761 You know what I got to tell you something.
00:05:19.761 --> 00:05:21.404 Do you know what the next order of business was?
00:05:21.404 --> 00:05:34.935 Let's stop all the stupid waste that the US government is spending money on when, instead of charging tariffs to Canada, we just reclaimed $50 million for sending money to buying condoms from Gaza.
00:05:34.935 --> 00:05:51.144 Now Trojan is probably a little upset, but Caterpillar is absolutely elated, as now the current government released 350 bulldozers that were purchased by Israel that the Biden administration didn't let you get.
00:05:51.163 --> 00:05:53.569 I mean, there's so much nonsense.
00:05:53.569 --> 00:05:54.670 You know what?
00:05:54.670 --> 00:06:04.302 Do you realize that all these Democrats and these wonderful sanctuary cities are now being schooled and called out?
00:06:04.302 --> 00:06:08.014 You know you let murderers you know you let out on the street.
00:06:08.014 --> 00:06:10.922 You know you let people that molested children.
00:06:10.922 --> 00:06:12.963 You know that you let rapists out.
00:06:12.963 --> 00:06:14.670 And wait a minute.
00:06:14.670 --> 00:06:17.548 Do you realize, david?
00:06:26.214 --> 00:06:27.177 And you know what else they're doing?
00:06:27.177 --> 00:06:31.134 They're repatriating them to the country in which they came.
00:06:31.134 --> 00:06:40.000 Like you know, nancy Pelosi, her husband was beaten by some crazy vagrant who is known to have mental health issues.
00:06:40.000 --> 00:06:43.434 We're now going to deport him back to Canada.
00:06:44.026 --> 00:07:04.875 We're going to bring it back to the land of the land, all right, Justin is going to relinquish his throne to Governor Gretzky, and you know I'm saying that really sarcastically, because you know what this is how ridiculous the canadian government has been, as well as the colombian government was rejecting the plane.
00:07:04.875 --> 00:07:06.178 You know what would you want?
00:07:06.178 --> 00:07:17.531 Convicted murderer, rapist, uh, people that are known to being aggressive, and not have them in handcuffs while you're transporting them.
00:07:17.531 --> 00:07:21.197 I don't know you ever see the movie Con Air, david, remember Con Air?
00:07:21.197 --> 00:07:25.752 No, no, no, okay, I mean, it was a 1980, I think it was.
00:07:25.752 --> 00:07:26.915 What's his name?
00:07:26.915 --> 00:07:29.904 Oh, nicolas Cage movie.
00:07:30.346 --> 00:07:53.805 You know, at the end of the day, what's gone on yesterday 100 hours shows that Donald J Trump, trump, isn't responsible the price of your eggs and that the people that he's putting in positions are actually qualified and have been delivering for the net for the last 100 hours, everything they said they were going to do.
00:07:53.805 --> 00:07:57.170 Now joe biden said he was going to govern from the center.
00:07:57.170 --> 00:07:59.033 Yep, okay.
00:07:59.033 --> 00:08:06.569 Camilla harris was the border czar and she fixed the immigration.
00:08:06.569 --> 00:08:07.833 Yep, I see that.
00:08:07.833 --> 00:08:08.454 You know.
00:08:08.454 --> 00:08:14.932 Uh, you know, like, like, think about this for a second, guys, think about this for a second.
00:08:14.932 --> 00:08:18.918 We're deporting illegal aliens from the United States.
00:08:18.918 --> 00:08:26.064 You know what, if I went to Canada and I showed up at a border and I said I want immigration status.
00:08:26.064 --> 00:08:32.458 They'll say, well, here's an application, go online to wwwca and you can fill out your application.
00:08:32.458 --> 00:08:42.273 You know there is a process in every fucking country and you know what Order has been restored to the United States.
00:08:42.273 --> 00:08:50.298 You know what Canadians as a whole and Europeaners hate the American bravado where we think we're better than you.
00:08:50.298 --> 00:08:51.179 But you want to know something?
00:08:51.179 --> 00:08:52.551 It's not that we think we're better than you.
00:08:52.551 --> 00:09:02.113 I mean, that's just the excuse that other countries that are inferior want to say we're just doing American-ism.
00:09:02.113 --> 00:09:13.909 You know what we're going to take care of ourselves and because we're going to be a healthy 250-year experiment that's been successful, you will also be successful as well, because you know what.
00:09:14.184 --> 00:09:17.136 There would not be a North America without the United States today.
00:09:17.136 --> 00:09:17.719 There would not be freedom.
00:09:17.719 --> 00:09:20.206 If there America without the United States today, there would not be freedom.
00:09:20.206 --> 00:09:30.076 If there wasn't for the United States today, the insanity in the world would enthrall, the axis would take over and the allies would end.
00:09:30.076 --> 00:09:40.317 I'm sorry, david, there is not a single encounter that hasn't been due to the Americans being American.
00:09:40.317 --> 00:09:54.424 I'm sorry, david, it's not being arrogant, it's just being matter of fact, you would not have the end of World War I or World War II sorry, world War II if it wasn't for America.
00:09:54.424 --> 00:09:58.349 Not that Canada didn't hold its part, but let's understand this for a second.
00:09:58.349 --> 00:09:58.809 It wasn't for America.
00:09:58.809 --> 00:10:01.753 Not that Canada didn't hold its part, but let's understand this for a second.
00:10:01.753 --> 00:10:06.879 Where is the brute, the might and the tip of the saber?
00:10:06.879 --> 00:10:08.801 It's the United States of America.
00:10:12.288 --> 00:10:12.649 Guys, we're back.
00:10:12.649 --> 00:10:17.498 Well, you know, stuart, I'm laughing because you know the absurdity here in the United States is off the charts.
00:10:17.498 --> 00:10:22.470 Okay, we just look at the confirmation hearings and what they tried to do, and now they're doing it to RFK.
00:10:22.470 --> 00:10:26.534 He's going to wacky doodle stuff and whatever.
00:10:26.534 --> 00:10:33.056 What Donald Trump has done which is fascinating is he's challenging conventional thinking.
00:10:33.926 --> 00:10:45.139 If you sit down with some of the greatest business owners of all time, whether it's an Elon Musk or even now Jeff Bezos, they're going and challenging status quo.
00:10:45.139 --> 00:10:49.131 What they don't want to hear ever is this you know, you know business.
00:10:49.131 --> 00:10:53.078 They say to you, if you hear this, that this, you're coming to trouble.
00:10:53.078 --> 00:10:54.429 So how come we've done this?
00:10:54.429 --> 00:10:58.164 Well, we've always done it this way, and that's been the American political system.
00:10:58.164 --> 00:10:59.538 We've always done it this way and that's been the American political system.
00:10:59.538 --> 00:10:59.542 We've always done it this way.
00:10:59.542 --> 00:11:01.210 So, therefore, it can't be broken.
00:11:01.210 --> 00:11:05.123 Don't break it, don't touch it, don't fix it, because we've always done it this way.
00:11:05.123 --> 00:11:31.602 You hear one word missing we haven't done it the right way, and the United States in Canada and England and France needs a major overhaul, and Donald Trump has brought in the right people into government to try to create that overhaul, pete Hexeth, to go and challenge the military to get rid of the stupid policies, to create a better army, because we, you know the United States could be very well be in trouble, god knows when, if the China, russia, god knows what other threats are going to come through.
00:11:31.602 --> 00:11:34.873 You know, you look at Christine Nome, what she's been doing.
00:11:34.873 --> 00:11:38.312 Tom Homan, all of these folks have sat there going.
00:11:38.312 --> 00:11:39.254 We want to bring some.
00:11:39.254 --> 00:11:43.216 We're changing the stupidity that's been here in the United States.
00:11:43.946 --> 00:11:51.289 When the first mass deportation hit with the migrants, these illegal migrants, the first comment you heard was who's getting deported?
00:11:51.289 --> 00:11:59.474 And the blue mayors, and the blue governors, and the blue you know, senators and governors, they're all screaming and yelling going no, no, no, no, no.
00:11:59.474 --> 00:12:00.706 You can't take these people away.
00:12:00.706 --> 00:12:07.025 And what you heard from Tom Homan is you want to harbor criminals in your community.
00:12:07.025 --> 00:12:16.240 Could you imagine, ladies and gentlemen, you're living in your city and you find out that you have criminals in your city because your politician is playing politics with your life?
00:12:16.240 --> 00:12:21.336 So such crazy, normal, normal, you know, lack of normalcy.
00:12:21.336 --> 00:12:32.975 Now, tim Walz yesterday was interviewed on his favorite channel, msdnc or MSNBC, whatever you want to call it, with Rachel Maddow, and he said that the party has lost its mind.
00:12:32.975 --> 00:12:38.780 The media is focusing on the wrong things MSDNC or MSNBC whatever you want to call it with Rachel Maddow and he said that the party has lost its mind.
00:12:38.780 --> 00:12:39.942 The media is focusing on the wrong things.
00:12:39.942 --> 00:12:43.024 Try to take away from the good that's trying to emerge from all this in these 10 days.
00:12:45.092 --> 00:12:46.778 They're going to focus on Elon Musk's arm.
00:12:46.778 --> 00:12:58.011 By the way, I just want to point out Elon's arm was out.
00:12:58.011 --> 00:12:58.374 Auschwitz was out.
00:12:58.374 --> 00:12:59.158 Birkenau has given more aid to Israel.
00:12:59.158 --> 00:13:00.245 I'd like to ask you, where's Kamala Harris, tamponed to?
00:13:00.725 --> 00:13:03.995 I mean, don't even get me started with these left-wing nutcases.
00:13:03.995 --> 00:13:07.208 Listen, David, they have tried.
00:13:07.308 --> 00:13:17.784 Every single day since Donald Trump was elected president, they have tried to associate him and the Republicans to Hitler, and I'm just sick and fucking tired of their insanity.
00:13:17.784 --> 00:13:19.806 I want them to understand.
00:13:19.806 --> 00:13:27.727 You know what, if Fetterman out of Philadelphia got grilled by the view for how dare you meet with that man?
00:13:27.727 --> 00:13:30.188 How dare you meet with that man?
00:13:30.188 --> 00:13:30.908 You know what?
00:13:30.948 --> 00:13:35.909 Fuck you, I don't want to hear about these five cackle ladies who should be put in a senior's residence.
00:13:35.909 --> 00:13:43.952 But here's the thing To me right now, as I look, you've got Vladimir Zelensky, who's sitting there going Biden's nervous about Trump.
00:13:43.952 --> 00:13:54.916 You've got Hamas and you've got Hezbollah and you have the Houthis suddenly shaking a bit in their boots because the Donald Trump that's in the White House is scary.
00:13:54.916 --> 00:14:03.399 What all of these international leaders said was, with Biden, we knew what we were going to get Soft, soft, soft.
00:14:03.399 --> 00:14:10.140 With Donald Trump, we're getting hard, we're getting nervous, we're actually getting scared and there's a semblance of order.
00:14:10.520 --> 00:14:11.461 But what is the but?
00:14:11.461 --> 00:14:12.961 What do people like to do?
00:14:12.961 --> 00:14:16.102 They like to like when things are good.
00:14:16.102 --> 00:14:19.703 You've got to put the stick in the spokes of the wheels.
00:14:19.703 --> 00:14:25.207 And so even Vogue magazine going after the first lady's official portrait.
00:14:25.207 --> 00:14:30.798 I mean, do you know that Melania was the first first lady not to appear on the cover of any women's magazines?
00:14:30.798 --> 00:14:38.719 You know, this is just the way the left, the media, want to rattle things.
00:14:38.719 --> 00:14:47.837 When things are good, let's find the bad, and what you said from the beginning about the White House press room is exactly going to find the bad.
00:14:47.837 --> 00:14:51.857 We consume media today differently.
00:14:52.279 --> 00:15:06.105 Traditional media doesn't believe that its place oh no, no, that that whole ploy is to take away command and control and put the control back in the people, david I know, but so let me, let me throw one more thing at you.
00:15:06.125 --> 00:15:19.533 Okay, there was something that just came through my feed and my kudos to Newsmax, because I didn't see this anywhere, but they just evaluated that American kids are behind in school, in reading, in reading, and you know what that is?
00:15:19.533 --> 00:15:24.211 That's an indictment on the education system, and this is why things need to get challenged.
00:15:24.211 --> 00:15:34.556 Instead of talking about tampons in bathrooms, instead of focusing on DEI policies, let's get our kids competitive on a global scale.
00:15:34.556 --> 00:15:35.830 Stuart, last word to you, my friend.
00:15:35.830 --> 00:15:39.772 I guess you want to do that.
00:15:39.772 --> 00:15:41.970 Well, folks, I think that's it.
00:15:41.970 --> 00:15:43.350 Stuart has had enough for one day.
00:15:43.350 --> 00:15:49.716 All right, it's another rant.
00:15:49.716 --> 00:15:51.019 Stay well, folks, take care.
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