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Monday, July 26, 2021 Vacation or not to Vacation @therantnetwork by #stuartbrisgel #Davidsolomon

Vayca or not to VACA... how ever you want to say it.  Should the government demand you to take one or should you use yours?  Listen to Stuart Brisgel ...

Friday, July 23, 2021 Ice Cream and Politics – Wrong Flavor Combination

Ben and Jerry formally announced that it will cease selling their products in the so-called “occupied” territories, including Jewish West Bank settlem...

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Japan 2020 – Why Are They Still Holding the Olympics 2021 @therantnetwork

COVID cases on the rises globally…athletes are not fully vaccinated…Japan is under COVID restrictions…all the more reason to delay or cancel these gam...

Monday, July 19, 2021 3rd Shot or not but Why or why not get the facts July 19th 2021

After administering millions of vaccines and with the presence of variants, the so-called international experts are highly recommending a booster. How...

Friday, July 16, 2021 FFF- Free Flow Friday July 16 2021

So many many many people making our lives challenging. What will they discuss this Friday? Who will they call out this week? ...

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 Preventing A 2nd Surfside- A Live Interview with Rick De Le Guardia July 14 2021

Rick De La Guardia has over 25 years of experience in hazard mitigation, assessment forensic investigations & inspections of building structures a...

Monday, July 12, 2021 What is wrong with parenting part 2 July 12 2021

You reacted and wanted more…today’s parents are doing an injustice to their children. We only scraped the surface of how parents are not doing their j...

Friday, July 9, 2021 Free Form Friday - July 9 2021 Edition

So many many many people making our lives challenging. What will they discuss this Friday? Who will they call out this week? ...

Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Parenting or being a parent is a great question July 7 2021

We ask the question Parenting or being a parent is a great question.  Today we will start this debate and the effects of doing it right or wrong or is...

Monday, July 5, 2021 Millions become millionaires during Covid?@therantnetwork by #stuartbrisgel #Davidsolomon

Credit Suisse that many millionaires were created during the global pandemic. Some find that vile that while many suffered, others prospered. Fair? Li...

Friday, July 2, 2021 Free Flow Friday – July 2nd Edition 2021

Who will be their next target? What issue has got you annoyed that you are scared to address? Well – these guys seem to go after just about anyone and...

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 This Condo Disaster Could Have Been Avoided

All the responsibility of this disaster has been thrusted on the developer, but in reality they are not at fault. Had the group responsible been compe...