Wednesday, July 7, 2021 Parenting or being a parent is a great question July 7 2021

We ask the question Parenting or being a parent is a great question.  Today we will start this debate and the effects of doing it right or wrong or is...

Monday, July 5, 2021 Millions become millionaires during Covid?@therantnetwork by #stuartbrisgel #Davidsolomon

Credit Suisse that many millionaires were created during the global pandemic. Some find that vile that while many suffered, others prospered. Fair? Li...

Friday, July 2, 2021 Free Flow Friday – July 2nd Edition 2021

Who will be their next target? What issue has got you annoyed that you are scared to address? Well – these guys seem to go after just about anyone and...

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 This Condo Disaster Could Have Been Avoided

All the responsibility of this disaster has been thrusted on the developer, but in reality they are not at fault. Had the group responsible been compe...

Monday, June 28, 2021 Ashamed to be White!?! Say what!?! June 28 2021

What has happened to us – why are we being told by corporate America and the media to be ashamed because you are white? Ashamed? All white people? WHY...

Friday, June 25, 2021 Free Flow Friday - Anything Goes Rant @therantnetwork June 25 2021

First Football player to announce that he is gay. Why is that newsworthy? Is he a hero? David Solomon from the Rant Network will share his thoughts.@s...

Wednesday, June 23, 2021 Why Can’t We Agree to Disagree June 21 2021

More and more friends, family members and just about everyone are arguing with such vehemence. It has ruined relationships and have led to extraordina...

Monday, June 21, 2021 Nonprofits and charities fight June 21 2021

Nonprofits and charities fight to raise money for their organizations and yet, many CEOs are making high salaries. Fair? Exaggerated? Not Enough? Is i...

Wednesday, June 16, 2021 Saying Sorry Is NOT Enough @therantnetwork June 16 2021

Politicians, Athletes, Entertainers and others will cry in front of a camera and ask for forgiveness. But then what? Why does it end there? What are t...

Monday, June 14, 2021 Should you hire specifically to promote diversity June 14 2021

Should you hire specifically to promote diversity, or to find the best person for the job? When did someone sexual orientation or race become essentia...

Friday, June 11, 2021 To Censor Big Tech or Not To Censor – This Is The New Question June 11 2021

To Censor Big Tech or Not To Censor – This Is The New QuestionBig Tech has unilaterally censored politicians and other public figures. They claim ther...

Wednesday, June 9, 2021 What I Can Apply For Jobs WITHOUT a Degree June 9 2021

Until now, employers not only insisted on a degree, but rejected candidates outright due to a lack of a post-secondary education. Now, due to a shorta...