Rather Than Focus on the Real Issues, Israel is Still in the Forefront

Russia was viciously attacked by ISIS and blamed Ukraine - the World stays silent. Putin gets “reelected” unopposed after he eliminated his opponents - the World stays silent. Western Europe has stopped countless terrorist attacks - the World stays silent. Instead, the Biden Administration would rather call out their ally Israel and declare a “Red Line” for her. The media would rather distort reports to make Israel look bad. Israel remains in the forefront, while the real threats remain in the back pages. Watch or listen today on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/therantnetwork. Catch a recording on Facebook, our YouTube Page: https://bit.ly/31rMCOW or on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1380682 #therantnetwork #podcasting #opinion #podcaster #podcastshow #live #business #discussion #economics #politics #discussion #sports #racism #socialmedia #education #conservative #education #antiwoke #Twitter #GoWokeGoBroke #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #Putin #Russia #Ukraine #ISIS

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