When Will the World Realize that the Palestinians Have a Significant Role in their Future

The blame is hefted on Israel for all the problems that the Palestinians face. In reality, if the Palestinians want a free country, then ridding themselves of terrorists is essential. Other prominent Arab and Muslim leaders have echoed the same sentiment, but it falls on deaf ears as hate-filled media have no interest in reporting anything favoring Israel. This vicious cycle will not end until all parties hold up their end of the bargain. Watch or listen today on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/therantnetwork. Catch a recording on Facebook, our YouTube Page: https://bit.ly/31rMCOW or on Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-1380682 #therantnetwork #podcasting #opinion #podcaster #podcastshow #live #business #discussion #economics #politics #discussion #sports #racism #socialmedia #education #conservative #education #antiwoke #Twitter #GoWokeGoBroke #Hamas #Israel #WeStandwithIsrael #TheSquad #Gaza #StopHamas #alJazeera #antisemitism #RashidaTlaib

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