Rick De La Guardia has over 25 years of experience in hazard mitigation, assessment forensic investigations & inspections of ...
You reacted and wanted more…today's parents are doing an injustice to their children. We only scraped the surface of how ...
So many topics....so many issues...so many people making our lives challenging. What will they discuss this Friday? Who will they ...
We ask the question Parenting or being a parent is a great question. Today we will start this debate and the effects of doing it right ...
Credit Suisse that many millionaires were created during the global pandemic. Some find that vile that while many suffered, others ...
Prerecorded Intro header Commercial. July 5th 2021 how many millionaires and billionaires where created during the pandemic ...
Who will be their next target? What issue has got you annoyed that you are scared to address? Well – these guys seem to go after ...
All the responsibility of this disaster has been thrusted on the developer, but in reality they are not at fault. Had the group ...
What has happened to us – why are we being told by corporate America and the media to be ashamed because you are white?
First Football player to announce that he is gay. Why is that newsworthy? Is he a hero? David Solomon from the Rant Network will ...
More and more friends, family members and just about everyone are arguing with such vehemence. It has ruined relationships ...
Nonprofits and charities fight to raise money for their organizations and yet, many CEOs are making high salaries. Fair?